My Blog List

Thursday, April 29, 2010


OK, So I've been doing some thinking and I decided that parents aren't the real problem in every teenager's life.
Sure they're annoying but really they love you and just want what is best for you.
I decided to rename my blog.
Instead of "UGH! Parents!" it will now be "UGH! Life!"
But of corse not all life is bad. It only seems bad when you're in high school. You may think the world hates you because of one small mistake. Relax. You'll get through this.
Remember, this is only the start of the rest of your life.
Life isn't easy I'll giveyou that, but even though it may seem like the world is crashing down on you because you're stressed or maybe "he/her" doesn't like you the same way you like him/her.
Calm down and remember, this is just small part of your big life thats beging to start.
Life isn't over.

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