My Blog List

Thursday, April 29, 2010


OK, So I've been doing some thinking and I decided that parents aren't the real problem in every teenager's life.
Sure they're annoying but really they love you and just want what is best for you.
I decided to rename my blog.
Instead of "UGH! Parents!" it will now be "UGH! Life!"
But of corse not all life is bad. It only seems bad when you're in high school. You may think the world hates you because of one small mistake. Relax. You'll get through this.
Remember, this is only the start of the rest of your life.
Life isn't easy I'll giveyou that, but even though it may seem like the world is crashing down on you because you're stressed or maybe "he/her" doesn't like you the same way you like him/her.
Calm down and remember, this is just small part of your big life thats beging to start.
Life isn't over.

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Can they be less annoying?

Ok, my question is... "Can they be less annoying?"
Seriously, why do parents have to get on your every last nerve? Don’t they have something better to do? Ugh!
Sure, parents can be nice and comfort you once in a while but then it goes back to,
“Do this!” and “Do that!”

Are you embarrassed that your mom or dad will come to your school dressed in pajamas because you forgot your lunch? Are you embarrassed to have them pick you up after school?
Don’t worry; a lot of us are like that.

I guess it’s their job to annoy us.
What a job!

Your parents love you, yes, that much is true, but still, if they really wanted you to be happy they wouldn’t get mad at you for no reason!

To me, parents are like a puppy (well accept that they take care of you and feed you) one day you want to spend time with them and hang out but then they do something to make you mad and then you don’t want to see them, like a brand new puppy, one day it’s so cute and you love it but then you find out that it chewed up your shoe or used your closet as a bathroom and then you kick them away because you’re mad.

That’s probably not the best way to explain parents but you get the point, right?

Thursday, April 8, 2010

They're so annoying!

Your parents nag you and tell you what to do right? Well aren't you sick of it? I mean sure! They tell you that its only because they love you(Which is probably the truth, but we're teenagers so we shouldn't have to believe them), but if they really loved you and want the best for you they would at least give you a little more trust, right?
Why can't they just trust you?! I mean trust isn't just something you get, you have to earn it, and I fully understand that! I just think that if they trusted you more toward the beginning then maybe you wouldn't be sneaking out of the house at night, or lying about where you’re going to be (don’t try and hide it! I know you already have, or soon will).

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Parents and sibblings...

Ok, how many of you have younger siblings?
Well, are you tired of you being treated like you're the worst of the bunch?
I know how you feel. I have two younger siblings, that I live with, who annoy the heck out of me. Ugh.
Do your parents think that they're the best because they are younger and don't do a lot of the things you do? Well...
just because they are young and haven't done some of the things you'd rather hide from your parents doesn't mean they'll grow up perfect! THAY AREN'T ANGLES! One of these days it’s bound to happen, they'll sneak out of the house, or lie about where they're going to be when they get to the same age you are now. They’ll do the same things you're getting in trouble for now, and even the same things you're parents might have done when they where your age. You would expect them to know how you feel at 15, but still, no, they don't...or if they do, they're just ignoring you.

Ruined Plans

Has it ever happened to you? You have a big event coming up, like a party or going to the movies with friends. You've been on your best behavior so you can go but right before the event your parents discover something you did and grounds you.
Ugh. It happens to me all the time. Belch. It sucks! I've had many of my plans ruined because of something small i did that wasn't allowed to do. Belch!! Life can be so unfair sometimes!

Ugh! Parents!

No child is perfect. So says parents.
You may all agree with me... PARENTS ARE ANNOYING!
They bother and tell you what to do. You're sick of it! You're 14 or 15 and all you want is a little more freedom, right? But whenever you bring up the idea of you and some friends hanging out at the mall or downtown, they imedatly say,
"Don't even think about it!" or "When hell freezes over!"
You only want freedom! Why can't they understand??
Sometimes you just want to scream, right?
You think its a matter of trust, that they don't trust you to be on your own. Well, that might be true but its also a matter of them not trusting other people in the world, and when they bring that up, you hate to admit it, but you know they're right.

Welcome to my blog

Hi everyone, my name is Rain. In my blog i will be talking about being a teenager in high school dealing with parents.
Parents get on your nerves so much, don't they?
Is all you want just a little trust? But do they give it to you? No!
Parents can be so annoying. Keep reading my posts and if you are in the same situation.
Follow my blogs and post your opinionss and I'll add them in my blogs. Thanks and keep reading! ^_^